Client: UTAS Designer: Philp Lighton Architects Value: $1.1M Duration: 4 Months Delivery Method: Tender Completed: April 2012 Jane Franklin Hall South Hobart, Tasmania Macquarie Builders were required to complete alterations and additions to the Jane Franklin Hall...
Client: DHHSDesigner: Gilby Vollus ArchitectsValue: Approx. $4.5MDuration: 12 MonthsDelivery Method: TenderCompleted: January 2012 RHH Production KitchenCambridge, TasmaniaThe scope of works included refurbishments within an existing building to construct a new...
Client: DJ Motors Designer: HBV Architects Value: $2.4M Duration: 8 Months Delivery Method: Tender Completed: December 2011 DJ Motors Mitsibishi Showroom Hobart, Tasmania Alterations and additions were completed to the existing showroom, service centre and offices of...
Client: Hobart International Airport Designer: Misho + Associates Value: $150k Duration: 2 Months Delivery Method: Tender Completed: December 2011 Qantas Link Corridor Cambridge, Tasmania Alterations and additions were completed to the new Qantas airside access...
Client: United PetroleumDesigner: JAWS ArchitectsValue: Approx. $2MDuration: 4 Months eachDelivery Method: By NegotiationCompleted: December 2011 United Service Station RefurbishmentsLutana, Bridgewater & Sorell, TasmaniaMacquarie Builders were selected to...